Siobhan Malone McBarron
My Name's Siobhan.
I am the face behind the keyboard! I was born in Galway, Ireland in the April of 1982. I have three siblings and an amazing mother and father..
Currently, I am living in Sweden where myself and my husband work. I love to travel and have lived in other countries like Canada.
I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, a degenerative neuromuscular disease. I decided to write this blog not for sympathy or pity but to show what the reality of living with a degenerative neuromuscular disease looks like,
This is my blog about my body, my feelings, and the challenges I face daily. It’s about two battles; the one between my mind and my body. It’s basically a clusterfuck of emotions, frustrations, physical pain and sometimes even mental torture.
So why now tell my story...…. You've got to read my blogs to find out the answer.